Hopeless Zimbabweans Voti President Chamisa Let's Do Something Ndimi Makabata Hupenyu Hwedu 2018 Can't Repeat Itself

With all due respect Mr President💛, you assured us before elections and said this time there isn't room for rigging, and it looks like ED is smarter than you now. We voted for you this year hoping what happened 2018 will not repeat itself, now we have just repeated 2018 again!!






We have been cheated. Mr president my question is till when? Do you have a different solution? Nyika haina mabasa, a lot of traders are informal sectors, hand to mouth is our form of trading.







Tikangoregera kushanda mhuri dzedu dzinofa nenzara. Mapurisa akangonzwa kuti ndozviripo mashops akutovhariswa early in town or kutovhariswa totaly and we won't have sustainably revenue because of that. As much as we want change we can't afford kumisa mabasa because of anything.. to be honest takuneta








Mr President we can not continue repeating the same thing, kechi Two here? Mr President we all knew zvekubirira izvi hazvisi zvinyowani and it shows as if you had no different plan to avoid this, this time as you promised us, all we are getting is we have V11s, God is in it, Aiwa!! we Rather not have the election Zanu yotonga hayo kana pasina plan, am heart broken💔.. I don't want to lost trust in you😒.. TANETA!!

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