Meet Zimbabwe’s Minister of Industry And Commerce Sithembiso Nyoni 74 28 Years Ari Minister Nyika Iyi Haife Yakanaka

Meet Zimbabwe’s Minister of Industry and Commerce, Sithembiso Nyoni.




She is 74 years old, and she has been a minister since 1995, twenty eight years ago.




A person who was born when she first became Minister finished university and now has children.





The only 2 other people who have been in cabinet before her who are still in cabinet are Emmerson Mnangagwa and Foreign Affairs Minister, Fredrick Shava.





Zimbabwe will truly get new ideas from Minister Sithembiso Nyoni.



The tragedy about Zimbabwe is that there are some adults who actually said “congratulations” to her on this tragic appointment!





Then we expect new Zimbabwe,revival of Economy,then they tell us about vision 2030,knowing very well they will all be dead by then,Zimbabwe belongs to them shame🙌🙌🙌How can a living grave lead the country? Where to the cemetary?

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