Meet Zimbabwe’s Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare July Moyo 73 Munhu Akonofa Vision 2030

Meet Zimbabwe’s Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, July Moyo.

He is 73 years of age.





He was Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare in 2000, twenty three years ago.

Today he is back in that position.





And many Zimbabweans wonder why their country is not going anywhere!


The tragedy is that there are adult Zimbabweans who actually congratulated him.





#HowZanupfUnderdeveloped ZimbabweHe was 50, by then able to deliver, but he failed to,, how can he do that now when he's already struggling to get up from his bed,, painful back, joints, high blood pressure, etc, haaa zvakaoma 😭😭





It's a big Joke another one is JG Moyo he has been Minister of Labour before and didn't do anything to improve the plight of workers. He is back again at Public Service and Social Welfare.

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