Minister Mahendere Havacha Support Amos Kubva Paakatanga Kuita Zve Zanupf Ave Ega Achingodhomoka Kukanganisa Zita Rekwa Mahendere

Amos mahendere chii chakadaro chinenge ngozi yechichawa




Kubva pa wakangoimba zve zanu pf paye ma days aMugabe wakabva wapera 




Hauoniwo here zvinoita muninina wako Minister MahendereI used to like him back then. Ndiregerereiwo Mwari ndaisaziva ndiri kufarira murakashiKosei




vasiri kupromotana nemunin'ina? I used to love kubatana kwavo not chipo nekut papasina hapoIt's e dancers n back up singers for me zVinhu zvacho..




After such a sad week u need something to laugh about yall 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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