United Methodist Church Yoti Rev Oscar Mukahanana Hativacheme Vanowigwa Sembwa Nekuti Vanyadzisa Church

Parufu rwemunhu akadai afa mabasa ake abuda pachena. Panoparidzwa pachinzii kudii ... how l wish to attend his last service ndombonzwa mharidzo yacho kuty vanotii kudiii




Kana kuchemwa hapachemwe pachivanhuchedu,mutumbi hauuye kumba kana kuchurch,sure mufundisi mashinga kuraswa sembwa here






Mmmmmm zvakaoma zvino kana zvoitwa nevatungamiriri ndiani achadzidzisa vana vesangano.Dai musina kuzviuraya henyu mufundisi nekuti tese tiri mahure mazuva ekuhura ndiwo anosiyana chete, zororayi henyu murugare





Man of God you should have only repent from your sin and forget about what will people say 





What was important was for you to get back your relationship with Jesus Christ back but satan has counter you to say die because people will mock you 





You should have repented and forget about what people will say because people will always talk 


Pressure made you to take your life 🧬





People who are condemning you are even doing worse things it's only that it hasn't come out





ndokwaiva kubasa reverend vannatsa vakafanotungamira patasviika 2030 vaipedza vakadzi mukrereke

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