Mai TT Vopembera Mushure Mekuti Dheliwe Apomerwa Mhosva Yekupondesa Murume Wake- Wanya Wakaratidza Vavengi Vangu Drezi Remuchato Wangu

Mai TT Vopembera Mushure Mekuti Dheliwe Apomerwa Mhosva Yekupondesa Murume Wake- Wanya Wakaratidza Vavengi Vangu Drezi Remuchato Wangu.

So after I did a live asking her why she had to leak my pictures.
She called me on my line and said don’t dare with what you do not know.
If you have guts come to were I am right now I will show you the other side of me .
Background were people shouting you messed with wrong people, your days are numbered .
I almost went to face her but something told me Don’t go .
I would have been RIP right now .
Not everything beautiful you see is beautiful some people are beautiful Monsters .
Those words keep ringing in my head 🙌

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