MaSupspect AkaReporter Kuti Mai TT Get Banned Kupinda MuAmerica

After Mai TT celebrated what could of be considred as a wedding of the year in Zimbabwe, less than a week after her wedding a huge disapointment happened. Mai TT & her new husband were planning to fly to America and spend their honeymoon. While Mai TT & Tinashe Maphosa were busy planning for their wedding Mai TT's enemies were working full time to destroy the happy couple. Evidence Chihera and famous ghost Pamelah Tamirah reported that Mai TT was stopped at the airport from going to America after immigration told her that she had been banned for 10 years to enter America. 

Reports are that when Mai TT went to America the first time she used a visitors Visa which she received from her last boyfriend Shepard Shepilo. During that visit Mai TT and Shepard broke up and Mai TT ended up falling in love with Tinashe and they got married. During her stay Mai TT got in Fights with some Zimbabweans who are based in America and considred it their home. These people felt Mai TT  walked in their house and disrescted them.   Mai TT was reported for working doing shows and getting paid and not paying American Tax. From the news we are hearing Mai TT was not supposed to make any money while in America since she wasa visitor. Mai TT enemies reported to Imigration that she was working and she got a ban.These Zimbabwean Americans are the people with the knowledge of America Law and resource to get  Mai TT banned from entering the USA. the list is below.

MaMoe Murozvi

MaMoe Murozvi


Rutendo Loveness Samas


Shepard Shepilo

Shepard Wife

Olinda Chapel

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